Bernard’s Blue Ribbon Turkey Farm was started back in 1947 when Robert Bernard returned home after serving in WWII. Robert had a mission to provide the surrounding communities with a superior turkey for theThanksgiving holiday. On his farm in New Vienna, Ohio, Robert grew and ground his own feed; raised his own breeding stock and productions turkeys; and had his own processing plant. All of this was done to ensure that when you sat down for your Thanksgiving feast, you were getting the best!After thirty years of raising turkeys, Robert Bernard retired and with no immediate family to run the business, it was sold to the V.H. Kuck family in Saint Marys, OH. Vernon Kuck had been raising and selling Thanksgiving turkeys since 1954 and with his son, Ted Kuck. Getting into the business and buying the Bernard’s turkey operation was the perfect way to expand into new markets.
The Bernard and Kuck families had the same commitment to excellence and as such, the two operations merged seamlessly.
Fresh Turkey Products
Bone-In Turkey Breast (5-12 lb)
AF Whole Turkey (10-30 lb)
Sweetheart Turkey Breast (5-10 lb)
Deli Turkey Products
Gold Label Turkey Breast (18 lb)
“Deli” Turkey Breast (17 lb)
Oven Roast Turkey Breast (14 lb)
Honey Roast Turkey Breast (14 lb)
Rotisserie Style Turkey Breast (14 lb)
Cajun Style Turkey Breast (12 lb)
Lemon Pepper Turkey Breast (12 lb)
Pan Smoked Turkey Breast (14 lb)
Pork and Beef Deli Products
P & P Loaf (6 lb)
Dutch Loaf (6 lb)
Pepper Loaf (6 lb)
Pork & Beef Loaf (8 lb)
Leona (12 lb)
Pork Franks (12 lb)
Garlic Pork Bologna (12 lb)